Excavator Hydraulics, Diesel Engine, SKS Hydraulic

OEM 15752-73030 15534-73030 Water Pump for Kubota Engine D750 D850 D950 | Partsdic®


    OEM 15752-73030 15534-73030 Water Pump for Kubota Engine D750 D850 D950 | Partsdic®

  • Product Parameters


    OEM 15752-73030 15534-73030 Water Pump for Kubota Engine D750 D850 D950 | Partsdic®

OEM 15752-73030 15534-73030 Water Pump for Kubota Engine D750 D850 D950 | Partsdic®

Part Numbers: 15752-73030, 15534-73030.

Applicable Engines: Kubota Engine D750, D850, D950, V1100, V1200, etc.

Physical Dimensions

Package Dimensions: Usually comes in a standard packaging size, but specific dimensions are not publicly available. It is designed to fit the installation space of the Kubota engines mentioned above.


Item Weight: The exact weight is not specified, but it is generally within a reasonable range to ensure easy installation and operation without adding excessive load to the engine.


Flow Rate: There is no specific official data available, but it is designed to meet the cooling requirements of the Kubota D750, D850, and D950 engines, ensuring sufficient coolant circulation to maintain the engine's normal operating temperature.

Head Pressure: Usually able to meet the normal working pressure range of the engine cooling system, typically within 0.1-0.4MPa.

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OEM 15752-73030 15534-73030 Water Pump for Kubota Engine D750 D850 D950 | Partsdic®
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OEM 15752-73030 15534-73030 Water Pump for Kubota Engine D750 D850 D950 | Partsdic®

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